3年前に会社を辞めて(実質は辞める一年前には鬱で休職状態だったんだが)、ほぼ2年の間NEETをしてた。前の会社では仕事のやり方とか linuxのオペレーションとかいろいろ勉強させてもらってたけど、実質年収は200万切るぐらいで、まあいわゆるワーキングプアに近い所にいた気がする。
% cd perl-5.10.0 % sh Configure -Dprefix=/home/samaiyou/local -Dusethreads -des 中略 opendir(./../../../../..): 許可がありません at ../../lib/File/Spec/Unix.pm line 478
最初は普通に失敗。 google:opendir(./../../../../..) perl ../../lib/File/Spec/Unix.pm 調べたら、やっぱり Cwd.pmにパッチをあてておりました。なぜこんなことがおきるかというと、多くのレンタルサーバーでは各々のユーザが /homeを参照できないように設定されてるためで、上の階層が読めないと、変なPATHを渡してしまうみたいなので、lib/Cwd.pmを直接いじって回避しているみたいです。
--- lib/Cwd.pm Tue Dec 18 10:47:07 2007 +++ lib/Cwd.pm.cwd Thu Jan 24 12:33:29 2008 @@ -501,6 +501,11 @@ sub _perl_abs_path { my $start = @_ ? shift : '.'; + + # this just returns a path down from /, without attempting to + # resolve .. or symlinks. It *may* be sufficient to build perl. + return $start =~ m!^/! ? $start : cwd() . '/' . $start; + my($dotdots, $cwd, @pst, @cst, $dir, @tst); unless (@cst = stat( $start ))
=head2 getcwd and friends Each of these functions are called without arguments and return the absolute path of the current working directory. =over 4 =item getcwd my $cwd = getcwd(); Returns the current working directory. Exposes the POSIX function getcwd(3) or re-implements it if it's not available. =item cwd my $cwd = cwd(); The cwd() is the most natural form for the current architecture. For most systems it is identical to `pwd` (but without the trailing line terminator). =item fastcwd my $cwd = fastcwd(); A more dangerous version of getcwd(), but potentially faster. It might conceivably chdir() you out of a directory that it can't chdir() you back into. If fastcwd encounters a problem it will return undef but will probably leave you in a different directory. For a measure of extra security, if everything appears to have worked, the fastcwd() function will check that it leaves you in the same directory that it started in. If it has changed it will C<die> with the message "Unstable directory path, current directory changed unexpectedly". That should never happen. =item fastgetcwd my $cwd = fastgetcwd(); The fastgetcwd() function is provided as a synonym for cwd(). =item getdcwd my $cwd = getdcwd(); my $cwd = getdcwd('C:'); The getdcwd() function is also provided on Win32 to get the current working directory on the specified drive, since Windows maintains a separate current working directory for each drive. If no drive is specified then the current drive is assumed. This function simply calls the Microsoft C library _getdcwd() function. =back =head2 abs_path and friends These functions are exported only on request. They each take a single argument and return the absolute pathname for it. If no argument is given they'll use the current working directory. =over 4 =item abs_path my $abs_path = abs_path($file); Uses the same algorithm as getcwd(). Symbolic links and relative-path components ("." and "..") are resolved to return the canonical pathname, just like realpath(3). =item realpath my $abs_path = realpath($file); A synonym for abs_path(). =item fast_abs_path my $abs_path = fast_abs_path($file); A more dangerous, but potentially faster version of abs_path. =back
悪意とかはないんだろうけど、最近 !GTD:あとでよむ ってタグが非常にうっとうしい。このタグだけフィルタするGreaseMonkeyを書いた。後で読むのがGTDかよ。個人的なタグをソーシャルな場所に置くなよ。